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Questions You Should Know about High Voltage Electric

Author: Ingrid
Mar. 08, 2024
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I want to build a device with two metal plates which needs to have 3000 VDC between them. The way that I am thinking is to use a ferrite transformer from a 9 VDC transformer with a transistor that ...


Take every precaution possible as 1700 VDC will have no mercy on you. Capacitive leakage in the transformer means isolation is not that safe. Touch the high voltage and it will zap you, possibly burn you. Get used to wearing those gloves.

Do not earth ground as it makes it an unisolated supply.

If you always wear safetygloves the boots are not needed. When I was working with 600 VAC to 4,160 VAC surge protection devices I held a dead-mans switch in my left hand while testing live equipment.

Use a Tektronix 40 KVDC HV probe if measuring the high voltage. Do NOT put your DVM on a metal table.

Keep metal items away from you and the 1700 volts. Keep a 3 foot / 1 meter clear space around you. Nothing to trip on or bump into. No water on the floor or high humidity. NO ONE gets to come close to you while the HV is on.

The main HV switch should have lock-out tag-out procedures where you can padlock it OFF, or use a bar to trap it in a OFF position.

HV safety protocols are tedious, but you live to talk about it.

Questions You Should Know about High Voltage Electric

High Voltage Safety Questions

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